We are an advertising platform where customers can tip workers (our 'COLLEAGUES') digitally via their personal QR code ID cards or on their personal profile page on this website 24/7 that goes straight to their own personal page and SUMUP APP or their chosen payment app account.
Tipping straight to the people you want to tip



CLICK ON: 'Join Us' Page in the Menu or scroll down to see: 1.) How customers tip 2.) How to join 3.) Subscription & fees


We now have BUSINESS PROFILES pages where you can advertise your company profile for FREE!, with links to your website and social media. Where possible we use affiliate marketing for promotions and direct links to your booking/promotion page where you are affiliated. Email us at info@tipmywaiter.co.uk to see if we can advertise for you. Check our Business page on how tipping your staff through tipmywaiter will benefit your business and more importantly your staff.


See our Twitter/X page (icon link found at bottom of the page) for our direct answer from HMRC....Tipmywaiter (@TipMyWaiters) / Twitter or visit the HMRC web page for the latest rules and on tipping.




cashless tipping for UK waiters and waitresses. Tip My Waiter logo.

Cashless Tipping Made Easy with Tip My Waiter. QR code to home page

Cashless Tipping Made Easy

We use QR technology to make tipping simple.

Tip My Waiter can be for anyone who receives tips as part of their work.

(Waiters, Musicians, Hotel workers, Drivers etc. If you receive tips in your work this could be for you) 

With a simple pricing plan, we only charge a small monthly subscription for your profile on our site,  all the money ( minus card charge ) goes direct to you.

We do not take any money from your tips.

This is a straightforward and HMRC approved method to receive tips by card without the expensive methods currently available i.e., through PAYE. Take the hassle and the cost out of card tipping for the business and put more of your cashless tips in your own pocket.

Visit our Join Us Page for how we can benefit you as a business or individual and provide the solution that's right for you.  







Cashless Tipping with Tip My Waiter. Scanning a QR code with a mobile phone.

Customers! How to Tip your Waiter

1. Scan the Colleagues (Waiter/Server) QR code on their ID card badge with your smartphone by turning on your camera (you can install a QR app onto your phone by visiting your app store) or search the Colleagues Page on this app

2. Type in or select the amount you want to tip.

(Our Colleagues pay a small card charge and

    a small monthly subscription)

 You can if you like add 3.2p per £1 to the tip to cover their fee 

  3. Place your card details and you're done!

(This money is paid through the person you are tipping own payment app, direct to them. Tipmywaiter or the business they work for do not take money from the tip. We only charge a small subscription for each Colleague 99p + vat or group of Colleagues at the end of each money to advertise themselves on our website)





No QR code reading capability? No problem.

Simply find your waiter/colleague on our Colleagues page by typing in their ID name and number. Click pay then simply add the amount you wish to tip in the box provided.





 Want to become a Colleague? 

Click GET STARTED on our Join Us Page.
Click on our link for SumUp app (A payment provider needed so you can receive digital tips)  then we send you a monthly invoice to the bank of you choice or your SumUp account.

We have put SumUp here because it is free at the point of use, no monthly fees and just 1.69 % charge on the payment with an easy to use QR payment (other payment apps are available to use) 

 Join Us 


Our subscription charges:


0.99p per month + VAT (0.20p) per person,

with a one off setup charge of to be paid at the end of the month, if you are happy to continue.

*For individuals, if you sign up to a payment app via our site we will give you your personal ID badge for free worth £4.99 +vat.

*Discounts given for teams, see details on the Join Us page.


SumUp fees are just 1.69% per card transaction (This is considerably cheaper than some of the more main stream payment providers)



Cashless tipping with Tip My Waiter. Inviting cafes interiors.


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